Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Multi-Tasking 101

There’s an old Proverb that says “her children will rise up and call her blessed”. I’m pretty sure my child has taken this Proverb to heart, minus the calling me blessed part. She pretty much just rises up and calls me.

Nature is a cruel thing. Just when my baby started sleeping through the night, her salivary glands went into overdrive. She now drools like a Mastiff while howling every thirty minutes all night.

My three-month-old is cutting a tooth. This is not what I meant when I prayed for my baby to be an “advanced” child.

I am not a natural multi-tasker, but I am learning that if I try hard enough I can get everything done despite my poor teething baby. My first step is to make my priorities. {After a panicked e-mail to Erynn, she helped me realize I could still write with a cute albeit needy child.}

I am learning that the baby swing, mobile, Jonny Jump Up, and an oversized cup of coffee are all my very good friends. So far I have stayed right on track with my writing, thanks to Eynn's encouragement.

Life goes on. I’m glad I have a baby instead of a Mastiff. Mainly because a baby doesn’t require potty training for another couple of years. If I can just get her to stop howling and start calling me blessed…

But that’s okay – I guess I don’t need her to call me blessed. Because in my heart I already know I am.


  1. Hey Blessed!
    Hope your little howler sleeps better soon.

  2. Bekah,

    I love it. Hang in there, and try not to feed the kiddo any dog food, I hear it doesn't help with the teething problem.
