Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Which shoe are you?

Earlier this week, Erynn shared the difficulty of writing a novel's ending, and yesterday BJ talked about where we glean material for our stories.

Today, let's discuss shoes.

Hang on. This is writing related. I promise. lol

As women (or men!) we wear many different hats, right? But since I'm a shoe addict, I prefer to say shoes instead. The front page of my website ( says this: This is my site, and this is my story, about a young woman with many hats–no, wait, make that shoes–to wear, but one who loves Jesus no matter where her feet are planted. From a wife in lacy pumps to a new mother in running sneakers, to an ex-career-woman in tottering high heels, to a barefoot author, I’m just me…walking, jogging, sometimes stumbling, down the road God has placed me on.

It's true, isn't it? Some of us writers are married, some have children, some work outside the home, some work part time jobs, some struggle to keep up other hobbies they enjoy or help out at their church. No matter our age or status, all of us wear a variety of shoes - sister, friend, student, homemaker, employee, volunteer. We all have lives outside of our writing.

And this is a good thing. We don't want to be the creepy, unwashed, hermit author whose house is the target of scared neighborhood children at Halloween. It's good to have friends, relationships, jobs, hobbies, etc.

But its also difficult, because it means we have to...GASP...prioritize.

Dum dum dummmm.

How do you handle keeping up with all your shoes? I have to admit, when I worked full time for an Oil & Gas company the past several years, it was hard to be a successful wife, successful mom, successful author...some days, it seemed downright impossible. Until I realized that I needed to redesign my defintion of successful. And FYI, successful does NOT mean perfect. Please learn that faster than I did!

Then this past summer I got to quit my day job, (thanks to my generous Hubby and gracious God) and it was in some ways, harder. I had more time, technically, but in a way, I had less. Because its pretty much impossible to write while my darling toddler is staring at me with those big blue eyes, crowned with the impossibly long lashes she got from my husband (yes I'm jealous!) and NOT play. Or NOT fix her a snack. Or NOT take her for a much coveted wagon ride.

Thankfully, I'm good with discipline, and I've taught myself to take advantage of the time I have, which is basically a two-hour naptime stretch in the early afternoon. That's it, my one shot at making my deadlines, creating new proposals, plotting outlines, editing my crit partner's work, scheduling blogs and new release promotions, etc. - unless I want to stay up late past my baby's bedtime. And trust me, toddlers don't sleep in because Mommy stayed up late the night before. It, like all things, is a sacrifice. You have to choose.

So it all goes back to priorities. My daughter is more important than my writing, hands down. Every time. But my writing is more important than catching up on the recorded TV show I'd like to watch or catching a few quick Z's myself during her nap.

Time management is difficult, but doable. No matter your circumstances, find what works best for you, and remember discipline is key. Those days, put on your most practical (but stylish) pumps and get to work.

But also remember that its okay to have off days, days where you cry into the carpet and ask God how its possible any of this will ever work out, days where you'd rather crawl under the covers than return to the revisions on your laptop, days when your fuzzy, ratty bunny slippers are a must. Pray for the discernment to know when to push through and be disciplined, and when to cry in your Father's lap and rest in His presence. He'll help you change shoes accordingly.

Let God define your definition of success. Because without His guidance and help, our writing is truly all in vain anyway.

And that's like wearing flipflops with chipped nail polish. =P


  1. So CUTE! And true. Loved your post today, Betsy. :o)

  2. I love shoes and I loved this post! It was so timely as I am struggling to figure out how to be a 9-5 working writer. Discipline is sometimes tough for me even though I enjoy the writing. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Thank you for this! Just what I needed today!
