Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Marketing Pros and Cons

There's been some discussion on the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) loop the past few weeks about marketing and Christian authors struggles with promoting themselves. Many authors see it as part of the business and have no qualms whatsoever, and others feel that its not God-honoring, or is impossible to promote one's book with a sense of true humility. After all, Christians are supposed to be humble, stay in the background, and not promote pride or self, right?

What do you think?

Here's my thoughts on the subject...

Like with many things in the Christian life, self promoting is a fine line.

On the one hand, you don't want to be prideful, or revel in what "you" did. That's not right. We ARE supposed to be humble and pointing all the glory toward God, all the time. We might have written the book, but if its a good book, then it should have been good because God worked in us and through us for His glory. We were vessels. The pot doesn't brag, the potter does. We are the pot, God is the potter.

On the other hand, our books are our pots, and we are their potter. If God blesses us with a story and a contract and publication, it's our JOB as Christian authors to promote that book (in a humbling sense, always remembering that God is the ultimate potter) and point others toward a venue that could then point them to Christ. Otherwise, what's the point?

Does that make sense? Again, it's a fine line.

I just think that if we don't embrace the gifts God gave us (writing) then we are hiding our talent in the ground, like the parable in the Bible. If God gave it to us, we need to use it to our fullest extent. Making sure the public knows about our upcoming stories, sending out newsletters, making bookmarks to pass out at booksignings, creating an author website, etc. is not a sin. It's not prideful. It's part of the business, and if our goal is to have readers be drawn closer to God through our stories, then we have to get the stories into the readers hands.

There's a difference in posting a Facebook status saying "Hey, go me, I just got another contract, WOOHOO, I rock!" and posting a status that says "Just heard from my agent, got another contract. Look for such and such coming out Spring. Yay God!" See my point?

As long as you know in your heart that you are dust without God, then others will know your heart too. At times we still might be persecuted for bragging but God knows the truth, and really, who else's thoughts matter?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic!! =)

Also, what marketing ideas have you found that work? If not in promoting your own novel, what techniques stand out to you as a reader? What draws your attention and makes you want to read a new book? Be honest!


  1. Betsy, AMEN! Right on target! This is one of those questions I was asking awhile back and have struggled with in my mind quite a bit. You answered it so eloquently! Glad to hear it is a common struggle among Christian writers.

    Also, to add to this, I was just struck at Bible study (BSF) last night by the last verse of the book of John. John 21:25 says "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." And then our teaching leader said to us all, "You are now continuing to write His books that testify to the truth of Who He is. Are you obeying Him in that call?" I thought that was a real, pointed call to get on the move in writing for Him.

  2. Love that point Haelie! Thanks for sharing

  3. This is an amazing post. I love how you define the difference in bragging versus promoting.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with sharing your gifts. Only taking credit for them without proper thanks.

    Nice thought-provoking post.

