Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wanna Play? Join the Scribble Chicks in this Game...

For those of you who may have missed this, you should know that I love my current apartment… with the same deep love the Republicans have for ObamaCare.

For starters, I love the way the apartment has cut my health care costs in half by introducing me to my neighbors’ second hand smoke, which actually wafts through our walls, thereby introducing me to a myriad of diseases and early death.

I also love the fact that I never have to pay for entertainment – free music, television, and radio can also be easily absorbed through the walls.

And lastly, I love the fact that when the “entertainment” reaches eardrum splitting levels, painkillers are also available through the walls – simply by banging my head against them.

Sad but true, I’ve done nothing but whine for the past two years about this place. All of you who still read this column (Mom… are you there?) know that the mere mention of our apartment makes me cry like a child who had his tonsils taken out without the reward of ice cream.

So I just wanted to relieve you faithful readers by letting you know that even though things are looking up – nothing is going to change about my whining.

Just kidding. The reason I really tell you all this is because I’m opening the door for you to whine a little. Just a little.

Tell us in the comments: What’s going on with you? Is your current WIP an obnoxious child who needs her tonsils taken out? Do you have more rejections than The Bachelor had offers for marriage?

Then, for every gripe you list, add a gratitude. For instance -

I still hate this apartment, but I realized as I packed the cardboard boxes that there are things I will miss about the place.

For instance, the nicotine. I wonder how many packs of Nicorette it’s going to take for me to curb these second-hand smoke cravings…


  1. An excuse to whine - I'm in. I don't think I'll ever get all of this laundry put away, but my son had an awesome time playing in the huge pile of clean but unfolded laundry in the floor.

  2. I hate college with a deep, burning passion, but an education makes the chance of me getting a well paying job go way up. But I still don't see why learning about imaginary numbers is helpful to my future as a writer and/or ASL interpretor. lol.

  3. I did NOT want to write until midnight tonight because I'm tired and feeling very uninspired. But now I've gotten a lot of work done, and it'll save me time tomorrow (and I think half of what I wrote made sense, which is a bonus! ;)).

  4. Whining, hmmm - OK. My critique group pointed out that my first chapter had to go. Completely. Classic "scrap the first chapter and make Chapter 2 into Chapter 1" situation. But, after eating a pan of brownies and looking at it objectively, they were right and my manuscript is stronger than it was a week ago!

  5. Don't wanna write this article, but I'm getting paid for it, so praise God! =) Thanks for the free vent.
