Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Chance to Vent? Well, Okay...

This was supposed to be the week.

My calendar was relatively clear (in my world, that's having less than five writing assignments), and I had purposely said "no" to other opportunities so I could set this time aside to finally dig deep into my WIP. I'm excited about it, and yet I haven't made the sort of progress I really need to get this thing from my laptop to readers' hands.

And then, out of nowhere, I get a sore throat, a fever, the nasty, nasty, drippy nose—the works. I can barely keep my eyes open, let alone type anything resembling actual prose. I'm taking naps round the clock, subsiding on chicken noodle soup and Weight Watchers ice cream treats to soothe my poor, irritated throat.

So you can guess about how many words I wrote this week on my WIP? Yep. A big, fat zero. But I did get the paying gigs done, so that's something.

Guess my body needed rest more than anything, and because I got that, well, that's the silver lining here.


  1. So sorry you're not feeling well, Christa! Hope you get well soon. And I definitely understand, because the same thing happened to me... I had a clear schedule and planned to get some major writing in. And then BAM! Last night I got a horrid cold so I'm mostly sleeping, using all the tissues in the house, and taking medicine. LOL. Oh, well. That's life for ya.

  2. I hope your feeling better Christa! Do you think you could write some posts about what its like to be a freelance writer and living that life? I watch "Beauty and the Briefcase" last night and parts of it seem fun, you know pitching to and hanging out at fashion magazines, but how realistic is that?

  3. You got it, Tonya!! I will definitely address just that in my next post. :)

    Hope you're well,
