Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When You Can't Write Your Own Story

"Don't do it, little girl! Don't go in there!"

I couldn't believe my ears.

Was the lady next to me in the dark theater seriously telling the main character in The Chronicles of Narnia not to go into the wardrobe?

Obviously this woman was scared of what would happen to Lucy as soon as she touched the door handle. And rightly so. But I still wanted to scold the lady for shouting. Clearly... she didn't understand:

Without the wardrobe there would be no story.

You probably see where I'm going with this.

There is nothing more frustrating than being a writer who cannot write her own life story.

Today I cried out to God to heal a situation in my life. Like really, really cried. Desperate tears. As I told Him about my anxieties, I felt His response... without the wardrobe there would be no story.

So here I stand on the threshold of all He has for me. My fingers grasp the door handle... my heart pounds. Unlike Lucy, I am somewhat aware of what is ahead.

I walk through this door on purpose.

As I take my first steps everything inside of me screams, No! Don't do it little girl!

But my heart argues. My heart knows that... without the wardrobe there would be no story.

Jesus -- let this be Your story.


B.J. Hamrick loves this blog and Real Teen Faith.


  1. Your writing always touches me, BJ. Keep moving forward in faith. <3


  2. I don't know what you're going through, BJ, but it sounds like you know you're in the right place whether it's comfortable or not.

    I'll be praying for you.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. As someone who has a lot of personal hurts that never quite seem to fully heal, my heart goes out to you.

  3. Debra - Thanks so much! <3

    Christiana - Thanks for sharing. I'll be praying for you too!

  4. I teach personal experience writing and this is a topic that comes up a lot. You've captured the feeling well!

    God's timing is always perfect. If He is leading you to go in and to take your hands off your eyes, go with it. You will be amazed at what He has in it for you (and your readers and others connected with whatever happened and your perspective on things and your prayer life and your writing-in-general and and and.....)

    NOT going will be a tremendous block to you.
