Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

don't know about you guys, but it's been raining here in north Louisiana for literally weeks. I'm starting to wonder if I somehow unwittingly relocated to Forks, Washington with Bella and Edward. I miss the sun!

I think too many rainclouds affect your mood. It feels dreary and heavy on the soul. The occasional rainy day is fine - enjoyable, even - perfect for snuggling up with your favorite sweatshirt and hot cocoa and a good book. But too much of anything changes everything.

Maybe the lack of Vitamins from the sun have made me extra metaphorical, but I can't help but feel there's a lot of rain going around lately that has nothing to do with the drops outside. Everyone I know has something major happening in their life, hovering like a big gray cloud. Miscarriages. Unemployment. Deferred dreams. They need some sun.

Some Son.

I'm a little concerned myself today. There's been talk about the city where my husband is a fireman being in debt, and that layoffs for city officials are basically inevitable. It's just going to come down to how many spots they relieve, and from where. Firemen and policemen at this point are not yet "safe". That's pretty scary. I'm a stay at home mom, remember, and if Hubby lost this, I'd be going back to work, if I could find somewhere. Worse yet he'd be without his beloved career, be without the job that makes him happy, complete, purposed. It would be a nightmare. Talk about a thunderstorm!

But I'm trusting in the wind and rain. I'm holding to God's promises that He provides for His children. Of course I'm hoping that we won't be affected by this city's debt, but if we are, He still has a plan. We should all know something more in a few days.

Lots of humidity and around these parts lately. For some authors, that makes it easier to write, to escape, to get out of reality for awhile and control a universe somewhere when they can't control their own. But for me, its just distracting. I have deadlines I need to meet, as well as personal goals, but to be honest, it's really hard right now.

I don't want to be the girl hiding under the covers with a flashlight, terrifid. I want to be the one calmly going about my daily life as if the storm wasn't raging, because my faith is that firm. How about you? How do you handle the down times in life with your writing? Do you escape or do you feel extra inspired? Can you focus or are you a wreck until the storm passes?

No matter how long the clouds linger, one thing I know - if we just look hard enough, we'll always find the Son. Always.


  1. On the weather front, I am the total opposite. Growing up in sunny Southern California, I felt like the constant sun and mild temperatures were going to make me crazy if I didn't get out of here. ;) I know. I'm weird.

    When I lived in D.C. and in the south (which hopefully I'm returning soon) I LOVED any real weather that came my way.

    But I certainly do understand how the weather can affect our moods. Because it does mine just in a different way it does for you. But I think you're on to something by relating it to seeing the Son.

    Sometimes, you can't really "see" or feel Him just like during those long, gloomy stretches where the sun is hiding. But He's there. Always there. He will provide for you and your family. Don't worry. I've been out of work for awhile. And honestly, I wish I'd been more obedient and worried less all along this path I've been on.

    Just keep your eyes on Him. He will take care of you guys. I know it! I admire your step of faith in staying home with your daughter and writing. He'll get you through this! Yikes, long comment. You can add long winded to weird about the weather. ;)

  2. Wow, it is rainy here lately so I can relate. Here in SC it's been cold and rainy for the past two or three days and even more rain is expected.

    I don't know about anybody else but when life is hectic it's hard for me to keep moving forward until I have a better idea of what 'forward' will look like. That could result from being human or it could be a result from being a creative type. I'm not sure.

    It is tough when I don't know what life will look like two days from now but I do try to keep trusting. :)

    Thanks for this great post. I'm like you...I don't want to be curled up under the covers hiding. I'd rather be there shouting, "oh yeah? Well, my God is bigger". But too often I settle for those covers. I should probably work on that. :)


  3. Thank you for your excellent, encouraging post, girl!! Praying for your hubby's job, too...

    :) Christa

  4. Awww, such uncertainty everywhere these days. Here's a prayer that the clouds will part and and things will feel more certain very soon.

  5. Great, encouraging post today, Betsy. I really loved this comment, "But too much of anything changes everything." So true. In both good ways and bad.

    I'm so easily distracted, it's ridiculous. But with three wild boys running around (and me running them around town for school) I can never seem to rub two seconds of quiet time together. *Sigh*

    What's that saying? "The days may be long, but the years are short." That's what keeps me in focus. My boys won't always be this small. They won't always need my constant attention. Though something tells me that I'll probably feel bereft when that happens.

    I'll be praying for you and your husband. And in the endless rain, just think of that old Hymn, "Showers of Blessing" and remember that "mercy-drops 'round you are falling." They're new every morning, no matter the weather. :o)
