Thursday, October 22, 2009

Celebrating The National Day on Writing...

Fellow writing friends...did you know that Tuesday, October 20 was the first annual National Day on Writing?

Yeah, I didn't either until someone tweeted about it (on a side note, that last sentence just cracked me up...who would've ever predicted that one day we'd be getting pertinent information from something called a "tweet?").

But I digress...

Had I known about October 20 sooner, my hubby (who also moonlights as a writer) and I could have exchanged gifts. Or at least celebrated with a few cupcakes that I whipped up especially for the know adorable little treats with a semi-colons, commas and question marks written in yummy icing?

Hmmm, maybe next year.

Late to the party or not, however, I must say that I'm pretty thrilled that the Senate authorized a National Day on Writing. I really think it's about time that working writers get their due, even if it's just for a day. Yes, while the career is romanticized in many a film (usually rom-coms), it's still hard work, something I think people forget sometimes when they ask me (and I'm sure this has happened to you, too) what I do for a living.

After a patronizing smile and the requisite "oh that's nice, have I seen your work anywhere?" I'm pretty sure a good percentage of people who don't know me that well think I just sit around, watch Oprah and gobble down bon bons all day. Now wouldn't that be nice...

As any writer worth his/her salt knows, it's takes a lot of work to actually make a living at writing. Not only are you keeping up with deadlines and dreaming up new ways to say something worth reading, but you're constantly looking for a way to spread the word about what you're doing without being tacky about it.

It's amazing how much time I have to set aside for things that don't involve actually working on my latest manuscript at all. You know what I'm talking networking. Tweeting, Facebooking, blogging, podcasting, sending out newsletters, updating your personal Website and other fun time-wasters. These days, actually writing your book is really only half the battle. Actually marketing your work is an entirely different prospect that requires just as much time and creativity.

Now if I sound like I'm complaining, please don't see it that way. I absolutely, positively, thoroughly love what I do. It's a privilege, and I feel honored to share my thoughts, ideas and crazy characters with the world. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be recognized from time to time for our efforts, so next year I plan on celebrating The National Day on Writing in style. And maybe I won't even write at all. But I know there will be cupcakes. Who's with me on that?


  1. Oh my, I really hope I remember National Day on Writing next year, because little cupcakes with fondant punctuation would be amazing!

  2. I agree...wouldn't it be the cutest thing ever??

  3. Pass the cupcakes. And I thought it was funny that they "authorized" this writing day -- hah!

  4. I know, I thought it was funny, too, BJ!

  5. Yay for cupcakes! Well...only if they have chocolate fudge icing. Can we arrange that for next year? :)
