Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I have a confession....

I have a confession...

I joined the PTA.

I feel about 47 years old.

Which isn't old, truly. But I'm 28. Which suddenly sounds REALLY old. Ha!

Little Miss is starting preschool this Fall. Last year when she was 3 years old, she went to a 3-day a week private preschool at a church school from 9-12. It was fabulous, and she learned so much. Well after much prompting of her children's church minister at our church, I had her tested for Gateway, which is an advanced learning education program here in Louisiana. I honestly didn't think she'd pass, because even though I know she's smart/advanced in many ways, this was a tricky two-part test and one of her friends didn't pass. I almost canceled the test! But we kept the appt and she passed with flying colors. Her math skills were actually scored off the charts (and uhhh let's just say she did NOT get that from me! ha)

So suddenly, my plan of putting her back in the same church school for 4 year old preschool, 5 days a week this time from 9-12, went out the window. She got into Gateway! This is huge! So we chose to put her into the public school that is literally the only school in north Louisiana that offers a gateway program, so she could utilize it. She and her fellow gateway-ers will be in school from 8-3 five days a week, like kindergarten! I'm still blown away. I thought I had another year of her being home more before we started real school. But I know this is the right thing for her, and thankfully, its a more lenient program in regards to absences/tardies than the older grades, so if I wanted to just go pick her up early one day, I totally could. (and will. with cupcakes.)

So last night was the parent/teach meeting where we all met in the cafeteria and got the skinny and were bombarded by the PTA (who were all SUPER nice ladies!) who totally suckered me into purchasing $61 worth of goodies. HA! Not really, it was all me, they were fantastic. And I was all "new school new mom giddy" and came away with three t-shirts, a stuffed animal mascot for Little Miss, a year's worth of spirit day pizza party goodies and a PTA membership.

Who AM I? lol

I'm a SCHOOL mom, that's who. And so far I'm loving it. Her BRAVE lunchbox I ordered for her on Amazon came in the mail today, and we're picking out school supplies later this week. I'm stoked. And all nostalgic, because oh my gosh, she's 4 and in SCHOOL.

And we just got back from the dentist, where they flouride-ed her and flossed her and brushsed her and she sat like a good girl in the chair. Like a big kid. Where does the time go?

What does this have to do with writing you ask? Absolutely nothing! LOL! But it was my turn to post today and this is all the stuff circling my if anyone wants to find a writing analogy somewhere in this chaos, please feel free! :)

PS - my teeth hurt. I had a cavity, not her! So much for PTA-Super-Mom  ;)


  1. Just wait until the day that you join the PTA board and people start referring to you as your daughter's mother instead of your real name;)
