Friday, March 14, 2014

What is it You're Avoiding?

Sorry for my absence these last couple weeks, y'all! Somehow Friday always disappears so quickly. I think I'm still getting into the swing of this stay at home/work at home mom thing. Can I claim that even though it's been over a year?

I'm taking a quick break from what I'm working on today, because I'm in the middle of hammering out my "wow-this-is-awful" version of the synopsis for my next story. Thankfully I think my inner editor is still down with the cold that has been bothering my family this week, so she's keeping her mouth shut while I write sentences that would make her cringe usually but that get the point across so I can edit it and make it pretty later. I made this my goal today because I've been procrastinating this synopsis. I don't know why. I LOVE writing. I LOVE my editor asking what I'm sending her next. But this thing has been hard to write.

I feel like I'm in some kind of confession. Hi, my name's Sarah...


And I'm making decent progress so far, which made me smile just now and think "wow, I feel so much more like a writer when I actually get writing done!"

Haha. I know, right?

But I don't think it's just writing, I think it's knowing that THIS is the thing I've been procrastinating, and refusing to let it hang over my head anymore, that's making me feel kind of victorious today.

So I want you to get to share the Friday Victorious Feeling kind of excitement. What is it you've been avoiding? Even if you've worked on something every day this week (yay!) is there another project, a synopsis, edits, that you've been ignoring and hoping they'll just go away? What is it that you feel like you need to work on but you just can't quite convince yourself to do it? Here's my challenge for you today. Five minutes. Give that thing five minutes of your time and even if you quit when five minutes is up, I think you'll still get a sense of accomplishment for tackling it to some degree today.

Okay, ready? Go do it! And if you get a chance, share what it was in the comments. =) Feel free to leave a note with any other questions/topics you want to discuss. You know we always love inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Still so excited you are now multi-pubbed/contracted with LI. So so happy for you
