Monday, June 24, 2013

It's not easy being green

We have all done it.

Set an amazing book down, grabbed our heads and started wailing. "I will NEVER be as good of a writer as he or she is!"

Maybe you aren't as dramatic about it as I am, but still. We have all experienced writer envy at some point or another. Maybe you wish you could write storylines like so-and-so. Or plots. Or descriptions. Or had the readership of another author.

What do we do with these feelings of inadequacy?

Focus on your strengths. Stop harping on yourself. No, you may not be able to write like whoever you are currently reading but you can write exactly like YOU and that's something that no one else can do. Figure out what you do well and focus on making that even better than before.

Find out what makes them good. Reread one of your favorite books by one of your favorite authors. What do they do well? What do you admire most about their work? Figure out how they made you, as the reader, feel like that. What wording did they pick? What tone did they set?

Aim higher. Learn everything you can about writing. Dissect every piece of good writing you find. And practice. Keep practicing as much as you can. You will see improvements in your work! But stay true to you and your style.

At the end of the day,  keep in mind that just like every other talent out there, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Andrea Boccelli and Britney Spears are both singers but goodness knows they are different and have their own audiences, songs they sing well and songs they don't. It's the same with writing.

Is there a writer you want to be more like? What do you do with writer envy?


  1. For the most part, I am content with just sticking to my style. Until I look at France River's amazing sense of descriptions! And then I get writer envy. ;) I want to write like her without all the adult-level content. We shall see what happens! :)

    1. I mean, Francine Rivers. I've been writing too much today...

    2. LOVE Francine Rivers. Love, love, love. She's amazing. Good choice for writer's envy! ;)

  2. Haha! I get it! Have it at the moment, in fact! (I'm reading Rachel Hauk's new book, Once Upon a Prince).
    It helps me to sit back and remember that every author had to start someplace, too. Then, I try to do exactly what you said - learn from what I particularly like in how each one writes. I certainly don't want to sound like anyone else, but I want to make my own voice stronger. Seeing an enjoyable 'voice' in action and pondering their word choice, etc. does that for me.

    1. Oh...and I don't know if it's okay to put this here or not...but I have a guest post on Rachel Hauk's blog today!

      And if you'd rather I not say that on here, feel free to delete my comment - it won't offend me, promise. :)

    2. That's WONDERFUL!! Of course we can put that on here! You should post the link! :) We totally want to support/cheer on/get excited for everyone in their writing!! YAY! And thanks for your comment! Ha! ;)

    3. Thanks! Here it is...

      I'm so silly, though. When I created my bio, I forgot to include my own blog. Ha! Live and learn. :) I've changed my copy of it now...

    4. Oh my goodness! What an amazing, amazing story!! I am SO excited for you! Can't wait to see what amazing things God has planned for that conference!

    5. Thanks, Erynn!! I'm school-girl giddy!! :)

      Also -- would you or Betsy (or ANYone) mind helping me figure out a couple things on my registration? I want to finalize it but just don't know how to make the decisions about what kind of appointments....

    6. Cjoy--what help do you need? I'd love to talk conferencey-stuff with you! And I loved your blog post! Also, I don't live too terribly far from Atlanta. We're practically neighbors! ;)

    7. Oh thank you thank you Sarah! Can you email me so I don't take up any more of the comment section? LOL. ;)
      2seejoy (at) gmail (dot) com

    8. Glad Sarah saw your question! Let me know if you have any more!! :)

  3. I'd either want to write like you or Robin Jones Gunn. I try to put my writer envy to good use and learn from my favorite authors.

    1. You are so kind. And I love, love Robin Jones Gunn! What an incredibly gentle woman of God! She is fantastic!

  4. YES! Every time I read a Sarah Dessen book or Ally Carter, I want to be a better writer.

    I love RJG and your (Erynn) ability to share a Biblical truth without being preachy.

    I love Kristin Billerbeck's voice.

    I love Dee Henderson's ability to make characters that stay in my head long after I finish reading.

    I could go on and on.....great topic!

    1. Ooh. I like Sarah Dessen, too. Lock and Key was great.

  5. I get like that with Robin Jones Gunn sometimes (hey, Erynn you should come to ACFW this year and semi-stalk her with all of us who are planning to. hehehe)

    But I'm getting better about reminding myself that we're not supposed to be JUST like anyone else. They can inspire us to write better, but we're different for a reason.

    Good post!
