Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Motivation

I saw this today and SO NEEDED to be reminded of this in regard to my writing:

Sometimes I forget that while writing CAN and IS fun most of the time, it is still work and my job. Let's work hard this week, friends! My writing goal this week is for 8,000 words by the end of Friday night.

Who is ready to climb that word mountain with me? I hear there are cookies on the other side... ;)


  1. Chocolate cookies? My goal is to get to 30k in my WIPthis week. That's just over 4k for me.

  2. I'm in! My goal is to be 6,000 words closer to finishing my NaNoWriMo draft from last month. :) And cookies are certainly good motivation!

  3. My deadline is mid February for this contracted novel and I'm on Chapter 6. Please hand over the cookie marked PROGRESS please. Eeek

  4. We can do it!! :) And yes, I'm in for chocolate cookies. :)

  5. Even with a house full of sick kids and crud of my own, all I want: more words on this draft! Oh, and some cookies....

  6. Hey! Today is National Cookie Day.....!

  7. I always tend to procrastinate a bit more this time of year, so I definitely needed this motivation. Thanks for sharing!

