Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gotta give a little...

Sometimes, we just gotta give a little.

And what better time of year than Christmas?

We talk about writer's block here on Scribble Chicks a lot, and I've found a new solution that we haven't discussed. This works for me, anyway, so I highly recommend trying it.

You know how we say sometimes the best cure is to get up, change scenery, get a new drink or snack, take a walk, exercise, write on something different, etc. ? Well those are great solutions and tend to work, too. However...(especially right now during the Advent season) why not take it a step forward and get your mind off YOU and YOUR STORY and YOUR WIP in an even better way?

Give to someone else. Focus on someone else. Pray for someone else.

Yep. It's that simple.

If you're sitting there stuck, and you think that blinking cursor on the Word document might actually come to life and beat you up, it's time to move forward. ;)  So in that moment, just STOP. And GIVE. Send an email to a writer buddy and ask how THEIR story is going - without mentioning yours. Facebook message someone you know going through a tough time an encouraging word. Email a gift card to a family member or friend who could use a smile or even just because. Ask a critique partner how you can pray for them in their writing journey.

All of those things make God smile. God tells us to give, and God blesses obedience. So whatever that giving looks like to you in that moment, give. Give freely and without expectation. And just see if God doesn't bless you back.

Now remember - it might not come in the form of 4500 words during the next hour. (but it might!)  :)  The return blessing might be something related to a completely different category in your life. But we can't out-give God.

And doing good for others at Christmas and beyond might just shift your perspective, free up your mind and heart, and let your soul breathe. And how could that NOT be good for your own story?


  1. Awesome post! And I've found that doing something for others helps in general with sadness or lack of motivation. It is so good to get your mind off of yourself.

    So, Betsy, how is your writing going? :)

  2. This week has been hectic because my preschooler was sick and now I'm feeling under the weather. Plus Christmas plans! But I finished Chapter 7 that was haunting me. lol And hopefully I can knock out CH 8 before the holiday celebrating really begins next week. I'm going to have to hit it hard after Christmas to make my deadline!
