Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sorry guys, I forgot to post here today! I also was posting at so I guess I got distracted. Also, my new monthly column for Nicole O'Dell's Choose Now Ministry is also up. Guest blogging everywhere! :)

It's getting late now and I'm wiped, but if you guys have any questions this week for us, please let us know. Until then, I'll be back next week with more marketing advice :)


  1. I missed having a Scribble Chicks read...! ;)
    See ya next week.

  2. Could y'all talk a little about POV or writer's voice or something like that? :)

  3. Maybe you could talk about author appearances? I am doing an appearance/QA time at a local library, and tips would be greatly appreciated!

  4. I've always heard the saying, "Show, don't tell" in regards to writing. What does this really mean? Do you have any tips on how to make this happen? Do's and Don't's? :)

  5. This question is for Erynn. You say you don't plot you just start with a problem and a charcter and then get to writing.what about after the first draft? Do you make a concerted effort towards structure in editing?

  6. Great questions guys! We will definitely get to these ASAP :)
