Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Title Time

Let's talk titles today! I know we have in the past, but I'm excited because I just got my official title for my new Love Inspired novel releasing April 2012, and it's...drumroll please... HER FAMILY WISH. It's about a fiesty female photographer who is scarred (inwardly and outwardly) and longs for a family of her own, and a hunky, yet overprotective single father/junior-high-school-principal who is struggling with his 12 year old daughter and healing from the wounds of his ex-wife. Titles are always fun because it makes the contracted book that is coming out a YEAR in the future seem much more real. :) Fellow Scribble Chicks or loyal published readers, do you get to pick your titles with your publishers? Do you submit suggestions and hope they choose one? Or is it typically left to the marketing department at your publishing house? With Love Inspired, we are required to submit multiple titles that the publishing team can choose from or brainstorm off of. HER FAMILY WISH was actually on my list of suggestions that they liked. :) In regards to my Barbour YA novel coming out January 2012, they kept the title I submitted (YAY! Because I love it!) Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK. As for our pre-published loyal readers, did this surprise you to discover about titles? Did you assume the author had all the say? How do you choose a title for your WIP? Do you tend to get more metaphorical or literal with your titles? Share with us!

1 comment:

  1. I have learned, from listening to you Betsy, and reading posts here that writing is WORK! LOL, that's a four-letter word! You are told what kind of story to write, how many words it should be,and now you can't even choose the title???
    Doesn't this take ALL the fun out of it? What a disciplined Lady you are! Do you give lessons on this discipline because I could really use some help with that! Thanks for your hard WORK and the wonderful results thereof that I always enjoy.
